Sunday, 1 January 2012

via weheartit
the tricky thing is to get used to '12. a new number, a new 365 366 days to live, enjoy, succeed in or gloriously fuck up, 366 days to work hard, play harder, chill softly and just be alive in. 
frankly, I don't really understand the hype about new beginnings and resolutions. my resolutions appear and are being cancelled on each, every and any calendar day of the year. but even I can succumb to pressure, after all there are certain things you are supposed to do - watch Irony of Fate on the telly, which is briefly interrupted by President's speech and fireworks. 
This New Year, however, was a bit different for me. I had of course watches fireworks by our freedom lady, but I had never had champagne right there on the spot. I have never gone on a pub/club crawling tour afterwards either. It was fun and different. And made me revisit and re-appreciate my usual way of life.
So - no resolutions, no lists, my life is far too determined by deadlines and schedules as it is. Just some agreements that have to be kept and above all a promise to self. to be.

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